The awakening of humanity not being in Control!
2020 wow, I’m in complete Shock!!!
2020 was a year of unpresidential events that shakedown our world as people. We were forced to realize who is really in control, especially the western world America, Europe etc..
We’ve constantly felt in control because of our jobs, homes, cars etc. that we are purchasing or own. Mankind over the years have become complacent and conceited thinking so highly of himself. We walk around feeling like we are in complete control and do not need help from God.
When 2020 swept around with many of us falling flat on our faces it was a rude awakening to realize how fickle we are as a human race.
After we were imprisoned for months, upon release we fell for any lies and schemes that was fed to us. Our five senses were heighten and our response was mere emotional grieve which included our own personal issues vs. those that impacted us as humans.
Upon release we craved control that was taken from us, choice that was stripped from us and freedom that we were prevented from exercising. The exhaustion and frustration manifested in riots, social media war, spiritual battle amongst believers with so many shifting from standing on the solid rock Jesus.
Mankind now became so sensitive with all its five senses heightened, we made emotional decisions left and right.
Death pounded down our doors steps and without any permission it took friends and family members away.
The void that was left , lead on to us seeking to fill it with “who will become our next president “.
This quest lead to husband and wive in conflict, children against fathers, church members against church members, nation against nation and many more.
As I write this it feels like it was yesterday but we all became a causality of a war that was ragging on the inside of us.
Power hunger lead to a decision that compromised and destroyed nations and the implications of this is what we are experiencing today Feb 2021.
The question is, was all of this worth it?
Are we finally going to realize that we were never and will never be in control but only God will forever be in control!!