As a warrior in Christ !!
When we hear of the word warrior which is a title of the action, the dictionary defines; a soldier and a fighter.
The title is used to showcase that you are exerting some kind of power and engaging in battles. What if I told you that in Christ as a warrior you do not have to fight physically??
The scripture; “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Ephesians 6:12
This scripture shows us that we do not war against a physical enemy even though he manifests physically through people but they are not the enemy.
Like the battles of old that were fought with swords, arrows, and weapons made from simple things like trees and metals excluding the technology that today’s weapons are made of. Those weapons though made with simple items, yet were very powerful and could conquer so many wars, with the proper training of the one who used the weapon.
As a soldier, you cannot win a war without the proper training and the right amount of discipline which leads you to fight strategically. You may have the right weapon, and may have an advantage point but if you do not master the art of fighting with a great strategy your opponent will conquer you.
Jesus died for us on the cross winning the Ultimate war. Victory is ours because of this sacrifice that bought our freedom for the rest of our lives as humans. However, there are still small wars here and there that are been fought against us believers every day and night to threaten, distract, and to gain an advantage point within the Kingdom of God.
As believers, we are to take a stand! How?? By submitting to our Lord Jesus Christ who won the ultimate war to teach, groom, and give us all we need to continue to win this war.
We fight from a place of victory and not for victory.
When you submit to God and He gives you the training, skills, and techniques needed to win all the small battles you will encounter, you are no longer fighting with just your weapons but with all the strategies that will lead to a win every time.
I’ve found that the battles that I’ve won during getting delivered, conquering fear, shame, etc. have all been won from a place of submission, continues communion with my father and intimacy. All I had to do was just to “Be” in His presence and rest in Him continually.
Stephanie Gretzinger said this once and it has stuck with me.
“It’s not in my push, but in my heart condition”! It’s not in my push but in my heart condition”. My question to you today is for you to ask yourself:
Where is your heart positioned ??
How is your heart positioned ??
Who is it positioned toward?
Your heart position strengthens your weapon, and give you all the strategy you need to continually win the wars waged against the Kingdom of God. When it’s all said and done this is the war we fight, our forefathers fought and generations to come will continue to fight; it is a war against the Kingdom of God expanding.
It is not in our push. You are not strong enough to push, but giving your heart to the King of Kings the battles you fight will be conquered, which is apart of the war against the Kingdom of God.
The scripture: Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work.
John 4:34
Doing the Will of God is what you were created to do, not to build your own empires.
You are settling by trying to build your own small kingdom and delaying the process of building the Kingdom of God. You have to play your part which is a small part of the great things God is going to do.
The Lord is calling you out of fear, stagnation, limitations, and all the many ways you have settled.
Stop been confirmed to this world. Push pass just okay and alright Christian. It’s cute but it’s not where you are supposed to be. Step out exercising your Faith and see the goodness of God. You are not alone.
Psalm 27:13
I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
Prayer: Father God we ask you today to raise up all who have been sleeping. Raise us up from our slumber. Open our eyes to see, hear, and know that this battle is not just against us personally. Delivery us from ourselves as we have settled. Remove every inch of comfort and launch us into your plan and purpose for our lives. Allow us to see that we’ve been called to something greater and bigger then our own agenda. Break our heart for what breaks yours, God. We long for you and no one else can satisfy our souls. Let your name be glorified and be praised through our eternity. Be exalted above all the self-seeking agenda and May your Kingdom come and your glory is exalted forever and ever. Amen.