Christmas , Holidays the pressure the stress, Is that what it’s all about?
It is my favorite time of the year but also the most testing time of the year where the enemy exerts pressure, pain, manipulation, guilt, shame and many more on us. We run in circle, our minds are filled with confusion as we run in various direction to make it work and please people.
We are bombarded with all the worries of what i should do, how i can do this and who i will do this for, over and over. We miss the purpose of the Christmas which is the birth of Jesus Christ. We fail to acknowledge it’s not about “US” or about the “Presents” and what not, it’s about the birth of the one and only savior who came into the world to save and redeem us from our sins and gave us hope and freedom.
I have seen the year after year, we have done the Christmas shopping and bought all the gifts and do all we can in our power to put smiles on a family or a friends face but with all that been done, we have leave them feeling the sense of more need, and want. The void never gets satisfied. Not to be unappreciative but I have experienced the temporary excitement and pleasant feeling that i felt within the moment the gift was given to me and then after that brief moment it all fades and the yarning was still remains . And at times you even feel like really that was all i was given -“greed” because we are never satisfied and can never be pleased which is something in our humanly nature.
Am not against all the gifts giving at all, i love giving gifts myself and the thrill that you feel to watch them be surprised is unbelievable! And by all means lets continue the tradition of giving and as a matter of fact lets even go a step further and give daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly, and so forth.
However, if you are a family who is going to a temporary hardship(i say temporary because hardship no matter how long it last is temporary, not permanent) be honest with your children. Sit with them and talk to them; let them know that you love them and how things are hard and that you cannot afford buying gifts. Spend quality time with your family loving on them, watching movies, and doing things that you wouldn’t do usually but from now onwards let those things be constant and make some new traditions.
As you celebrate Jesus birth let it give you a sense of appreciation, love and purpose. Christ is the Hope of glory(scripture of reference
Colossians 1:27 -
27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
Now things might seem bad if you don’t have a tree, or decorations and gifts which are non-essential things. Take some time and focus on the essential things like your spouse, your children, you parents, n your family in general, celebrate those victories, celebrate those people in your life. Use this moment as a moment of appreciation to appreciate God for all he have done for you all year long.Take an inventory on the blessings, favor, grace and mercy of God from this year and years in the past.
Yesterday we went to visit a family friend and my brother asked what is the best thing that we have ever done this year and years in the past ?
As i taught about it, i was like let me to rephrase the question a bit; What is the best thing that God have done this year and years in the past?
Getting saved and knowing God for myself, Marrying my husband, giving birth to my first child Tirzah, etc the list could go on.
What is your list made off?
Do me a favor and sit , write down your personal list of what God have done through you, in you and for you!
A prayer:
Father God i just pray for contentment and peace over every household in the united states and around the world as we get ready to celebrate tomorrow, which is a time to celebrate the birth of your son Jesus Christ. I pray God that you capture our minds and our hearts and fill it with your love and warmth. Help us focus on why we are celebrating this season, and what the birth of your son mean to us.
As we make our lists and show our appreciation for what you have done fill our hearts, our homes, businesses, families with more love and hope in you. Even for those who have experience loss during this year of some sort and have been through so much God help them see your hand and your good in all of it. Reveal yourself to all of us and as we gather all over the globe we will not loose sight of what is important your son. I thank you for restoring hope, restoring faith, freedom, peace ad love in every family and relationship. Bless your people in Jesus name Amen!