Fruitfulness In my Role As a wife
Good morning my beautiful sisters,
I trust you are well-rested and had a sound sleep. Whelp it’s the weekend darling. I pray that you have a blessed one!
As I’ve been sharing about been fruitfulness in our roles as wives. The Lord brought this to mind and I thought how can one be fruitful as a helper??
I then went and looked up the word that is tied to us in the bible “ A suitable Helper”.
Well, this series is going to focus on fruitfulness as we search the word for answers on how to live a fruitful life.
First of all, we will read the first scripture where the word fruitfulness was used in the bible.
Genesis 2:27–28 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Well, usually when this verse is read we focus on it speaking to only fruitfulness as a couple bearing children.
It is indeed! However, the Lord was empowering us with more than just having little ones. He was talking about us been fruitful in every aspect of our lives. As I read these two verses in various translations, I realized that even though this translation mentions an increase in number but you realize the Lord said “ Be fruitful” and increase in number.
Which means you “be blessed and multiply or increase in numbers as well while you are at it.
After all, when we increase in number as a family, we need resources to take care of the family right?? Exactly, why this verse was blessing the husband and the wife and giving them dominium over the entire earth.
As we go along we will talk more about this verse as it is our prime verse we will discuss over a course of time. I pray that the Lord gives us various revelations throughout this study.
However, since we are focusing on our fruitfulness in our role as a wife let’s jump into it.
The verse in Hosea 4:6 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
My mentor gave me the assignment to read a particular chapter this week and just meditate on it. It has some deep nuggets and secrets just sharing the heart of God. This verse Hosea 4:6 emphasizes one of the main core of the word of God in general. “ knowledge”.
When we lack knowledge; the depth and width of something we then become prey to our enemy. The enemy can destroy us because we lack the knowledge to fully understand the concept of a situation.
Today I’ve found that as wives we lack the knowledge of what this role actually means, which leads us to strive to over-achieve, failure, lack of confidence, misuse of this role, taking our husbands role which is not our’s, seeking advice in the wrong places and most often in our generation today many marriages are lead to divorce because of “ Lack of Knowledge.
This is what we hope to achieve during this study.
- We will be seeking the word to find out what God’s idea was when He gave us this title and role?
- How we can be effective in our roles?
- As we find out our strengths & weaknesses right now, we can figure out how to grow in our roles as wives.
- With the knowledge, we receive how can we become better wives?
Stay tuned for more posts as we search the word of God to discover how we can be fruitful in our role as a wife.
Have a Bless week.
Originally published at on October 17, 2020.