Rhoda Omejia
6 min readApr 17, 2020


Yesterday I posted a question that came to mind about this popular hashtag. I have seen people use it often on social media to express their emotion of saying “ I wish it was me” #goals or I aspire to be like this #goals, etc.

It is often used in comments for relationships. We are all yearning to be loved in a certain way and to be in a particular kind of relationship. The truth is, the desires really do not go away because of the nature of mankind. One day we want a nice car, next; we want a house, then a bigger house, etc and it seems like the list never ends. This is the same when it comes to matters of the heart. The scripture Matthew 6:21–23 says,

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Also read Luke 11: 34 which talks about your eye been a lamp to your body. If you do not have a clear goal or vision you will find yourself walking in total darkness, which is going in circles and following everyone, and doing everything.


When we are single we desire so dearly a partner, when we find “the one” we want a child, then next a few more kids or a dog for many others the list goes on with the need to have and to belong. As a person, it is not bad to have a desire. You definitely should every day and night. If something is your goal, don’t keep it in your heart only but to write it down and commit it to the Lord.

Writing down your goals will keep you focused and centered. It will decrease the continually crave of wanting or needed everything and anything you see. When you write down your goal it then becomes a vision. What happens when you have a clear vision “ SEE” exactly!

When goals are written, it gives you a unique set of lenses to distinguish your needs from your wants, which is to be discussed later.

Habakkuk 2:2 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

2 And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.

As a couple, you want to sit and write down your goals: communication, financial goals, the fruit of the womb, career goals, Ministry, Business ideas, travel countries(vacation & non-vacation), etc…

If they are important to you then they are important to God. When you write it down then you are able to pray over them and commit them to the Lord.

If it is financial goals, as you write it down the Lord will reveal to you ways to get started to work towards your goals. Do you need to see a financial coach or an advisor? What are some of the free tools or paid tools out there to aid you in accomplishing this goal as a couple?

If you are single, write down all your desires in a partner and a relationship. Commit it to the Lord and allow Him to direct your path. Let the Lord lead, so that when you meet that special someone you won’t be dismayed or confused. You will be absolutely sure they are the one.

Side note if you are dating non-stop, quit it now, that’s the only way this process will work. Let the Lord lead. It’s time you learn to date yourself.

FYI these ppl posed for this picture. They could be models, do not say #goals.

These are the steps that I recommend to follow as you set your goals.

Write Down your Goals: Are you a dreamer or do you just have some things on your heart? Then I want to encourage you to write them down. Make sure you make it plain. Until they are written down they are just up in the air. This means they are reliable to flutter from time to time and in the long run, they will be all over the place and nothing will ever get accomplished.

Commit them to the Lord: This is very key because first of all the Lord does give us what to desire if we allow Him. A few scriptures to help with this step: Psalm 37:4–5, Proverbs 16:1–3.

The Lord does give us what to desire but then due to our fleshly desires, we tend to desire so many things that are outside of the Lord’s will. It is ideal to spend some time in God’s presence as you write down your goals. This practice will cause you to write it down through the Holy Spirit filter. This way your desires will be from His Will for your life and not just the superficial or fleshly things that we want and think we need.

Submit to the Lord for the Process: By now you have written down your goals, you have prayed and committed them to the Lord. The next step is to submit to His process. Often times, we are so impatient and we want to see things happen very quickly and we refuse to submit to the Lord’s process. Resist the temptation to go according to your personal timeline. As a matter of fact, get rid of the timeline, and let the Lord go to town. I know it is in our natural tendencies to want to take control. If you truly commit your ways to the Lord He will give you peace to rest in Him for that particular issue. I’m guilty of trying to “accelerate” the process by “helping” God but He doesn’t need our help. What I’ve noticed is once I submit to the Lord He starts connecting the dots: you might find a book, or a message to listen to, a person to mentor you, etc.. The Lord will step in and take control of that particular issue. The scripture that comes to mind here is Isaiah 45:2–3 which is completely showing the goodness of God.

Rest In The Lord: You have given your plans to God, its time let go. If He gives you a book, or directional clues follow them but don’t get carried away. There is an imaginary line that should caution you when you are stepping outside of His “ Will” (you will begin to stress). Stress is an indicator that you are taking matters into your own hands. Do your best to spend time resting in Him, meaning you don’t go trying to do any of it in your own strength.

When we need a spouse we are asking the Lord for signs and cues along the way. As soon as we get married we go

Thanks, God I got it from here”.

You are not alone, but we have to rest in Him continually and resist the edge to take control. If you are single, go about living your life and work on your relationship with God. Don’t go finding dating sites and go on blind dates or get yourself worked up, always talking about “ the one”.

Please allow yourself to live, and rest in His grace for His will to be done. If you are following the Lord’s instruction He will show you areas to pray for change etc..

This is a good scripture to rest in the Lord with Psalms 46: 10. This has been an assignment I’ve been working on with my mentor, resting in the Lord. Resting in the Lord will show that you can trust Him, it will work out the fruits of the Spirit in you and it will get you ready for what is ahead of you.

God bless you



Rhoda Omejia
Rhoda Omejia

Written by Rhoda Omejia

Mompreneur| Relationship Coach|Life strategist Women & Marriage Empowerment— Healing advocate. Founder of @prayingwivesc linktr.ee/rhoda.omejia

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