Hi ladies this week , We are going to be praying for the that one thing that you despise about your husband.
What is that one thing that he does that really gets on your nerves, and drive you nuts.
I want you to lift him up in that area today. And for some of us it could be several things, lift all of them up. I will be praying with you and also praying for my husband as well. Have a blessed week.
Father God I bring my husband before you, I thank you for blessings me with this man of God. Thank you for the ability to journey through life with ___________________ (his name) .
I pray and commit our life together in your hand. We invite you in our marriage, our home and our reality.
Father as a Wife when my husband _______________(whatever he does that get on your nerves), it really bother me and __________________(go in detail of how you feel), so God I am giving this feeling I have to as a reaction and his actions to you.
Lord I ask you to step into this situation and handle it for us because we can’t handle it.
This area drives a wedge between us and is causing our peace and joy to be disrupted. Please come to our rescue and heal, mend, and deliver us. God please handle this situation the way you see fit to handle it.
Let your Will be done in our home in Jesus name. Amen!
“So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.”
Genesis 2:20 NIV
You remember that you my sister are the “Suitable Helper “ for your spouse. No one else can fit in that position, so walk in the role majestically. Part of helping our spouse is praying for them and ourselves.
Be blessed.