Topic: How to continue to pray over your husband even when you are not seeing change and you’re hurt!
Today’s scripture of the day on the Bible app was a great reminder. As I read it, and meditated, the Lord reminded me of myself, my heart and lifestyle.
The scripture states:
“And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross daily [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].”
Luke 9:23 AMP
Y’all it hard to pray for your husband when :
- [ ] You’re deeply impacted and hurt by His action.
- - [ ] You find your heart cold and hardened towards him because he’s failed you according to your expectations.
- - [ ] He’s not leading effectively as the word of God states.
- - [ ] You’ve seen all his issues, faults and problems.
- - [ ] You’re determined to expose him and tell everyone, because he’s not the man you thought he was or the man they think he is behind closed doors.
- - [ ] In simple terms, you’re so heartbroken by his actions physically, emotionally and spiritually, mentally and it’s impacted you in how you love and live with him. It’s even hard to be intimate with this supposing man of God or Christian.
- - [ ] You’re over it and can’t stand him.
These are a few listed state of mind as a wife.
I’ve been there sis, I completely understand.
As I read this scripture, I asked God to help me be His disciple.
In this simple text, He mentions a few things I want to highlight that is key to becoming a disciple of Christ and His follower:
- [ ] We must deny ourselves ( Set aside selfish interest. )
My prayer is : God help me deny myself: my ideas, expectations, vision and plans in every aspect of my life including my marriage.
- - [ ] Take up the cross daily ( expressing a willingness to endure whatever comes )
Prayer: God help me, endure all the things I will face: the good, bad & ugly, that it will not be a hindrance or a distraction preventing me from serving you.
- - [ ] Follow me (believing in me, conforming to my example in living and, if need be suffering or perhaps dying because of Faith in me). Prayer: God help me to follow you all the days of my life.
Please continue to read on verse 24, as well.
However, as I stated earlier reading this text and meditating on it, it brought to mind my lifestyle and my heart condition.
As I’ve been praying for my husband over the years, I’ve seen so many breakthroughs physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. However, most of those breakthroughs have happened internally and personally within me.
The Lord told me to spend time praying over myself when I felt hurt, disappointed or stuck for whatever reason and couldn’t open my mouth to pray for my husband.
God revealed to me that, I simply needed to spend time praying over my heart , which is “denying selfish interest “.
The Lord showed me myself; all my issues, limitations and all the personal stuff that was blocking me from getting out of my own way to pray for his son( my husband).
The Lord doesn’t reveal to us to condemn us, instead to redeem us from ourselves.
To be His follower apart of my assignment was to:
- [ ] Deny myself of all the expectations and selfish things that will hinder myself through my marriage.
- - [ ] Take up the cross daily, meaning enduring any actions from life; including if husband actions towards me, was a stumbling block for me following Him as a disciple.
- - [ ] Follow Him: living and making it a lifestyle and not occasionally when I need something, or here and there.
All of this is possible, if I surrender it all to God. It’s not easy to be a “ True Christ follower “, but it’s worth it. It is in fact the best decision you’re ever make in life.
However, let’s be women that will follow Christ no matter what happens.
No matter how our husband’s or children break our hearts. No matter the daily cross we have to take on in all aspects of our life.
If you have to, spend all the time you need praying for you; your heart, mind , soul and spirit, till you feel the Love and grace of God to pray for your man, then you can begin to pray for him.
Please pray over “ you “till you feel the Love of God for your husband and the passion to keep being a wife after Gods heart .
Above keep praying over you, to live a life that is lost to this world but found in Christ according to Luke 9:24.
God bless you beautiful.